Cambodia in Brief
The Kingdom of Cambodia, formerly known as Kampuchea, has its name derived from the Sanskrit name Kambujadesa.
Total population of Camb–odia is 17 million. Population density is 78/km2. Ninety per cent of residents are Khmer; the rest are Cham (Khmer Muslim), Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, Phnorng, Kuoy, Stieng, Tamil, etc. Chinese influence is strong, particularly in the business sector. However, English is more widely understood.
Total population of Cambodia is more than 17 million, with a density of 96/km2. Ninety per cent of residents are Khmer, while the remaining ten per cent comprises various ethnic groups such as Cham (Khmer Muslim), Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, Kuoy, Stieng and others. While Chinese influence is prominent in the business sector, English is becoming increasingly understood across the country. Khmer is the official language of Cambodia.